Unshakeable Peace by Ajahn Chah

Posted by มหัทธโน | 30 Dec 2019

The mind isn't born belonging to anyone. It doesn't die as anyone's.

This mind is free, brilliantly radiant, and unentangled with any problems or issues.

The reason problems arise is because the mind is deluded by conditioned things, deluded by this misperception of self.

So the Buddha taught to observe this mind. In the beginning what is there?

There is truly nothing there. It doesn't arise with conditioned things, and it doesn't die with them.

When the mind encounters something good, it doesn't change to become good. When the mind encounters something bad, it doesn't become bad as well. That's how it is when there is clear insight into one's nature. There is understanding that this is essentially a substanceless state of affairs.


Ajahn Chah
 Unshakeable Peace
