Scientific Proven Benefits of Meditation

Posted by SataBhisha | 18 Jan 2018

How busy is too busy?

With modern world’s appreciation of making the most out of profits and productivity. People’s health, physical and mental, can be easily out of balanced.


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There are numerous ways as outlets to release tension, activities such as Fitness, Dining, hobbies and etc. Meditation is one popular method that is effective and costless. The overall benefits of meditation is that it helps make you feel relax, promote positive feeling, achieve better performance at work and etc.

Here are some scientific Proven benefits of Meditation.

1. Reduce Stress and Promote Better Health

Results from many scientific researches, meditation has the positive benefits on human’s body and mind, particularly on Stress and Anxiety Reduction, Prevent Insomnia, Pain Control and High Blood Pressure Problem. As well, meditation might effect regulate metabolism and the immune response


- How it helps coping with Stress?

When being stress, Cortisol hormone will be increased in the body, and result in higher tendency in Tension, Stress and Anxiety. It will increase your blood pressure and make you feel tired and unable to think clearly. In one study, around 1,300 adults demonstrated that meditation may decrease stress. individuals with the highest levels of stress are the most effective. As well, in another study, 2,466 participants also showed that anxiety levels can be reduced by different meditation strategies. As a result, related symptoms that caused by stress such as irritable bowel or fibromyalgia are improved as well.


-How Meditation prevent Insomnia ?

In some studies, people who meditated fell asleep sooner and slept longer than who did not. Meditation may help stop Mind wandering which caused insomnia.


- Can Meditators Control Pain?

As an evidence, 3,500 people who adopted a habit to meditate, reported that their chronic or intermittent pain are decreasing.

Another result from one experiment which participants enrolled a 4 days meditation training, shows that activities in the centre part of their brains  which responsible for pain controlling, are increasing.


- It can control Blood Pressure

From an experiment with 996 senior participants who have high blood pressure, researchers found that meditation by the method of repeatedly chanting can calm the nerve, stress and alertness, and ultimately resulted in reducing blood pressure.


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2) Promote Emotional Intelligence and Help with Personality.

Besides the benefits on your health, from many studies, researchers found that meditation can as well improve emotional intelligence and personality. The key benefit of meditation is that it helps decrease depression. With one research, 4,600 participants reported that they became less depressed and became happier after habitually meditate.

Moreover, meditation generates Positivity and Kindness. Metta which is a major technique in mediation. The basic rule for Metta technique is to feel peace and love toward yourself and other. It is the crucial element that make you feel good, behave good and being kinder.

One study found that Metta meditation can improve social anxiety, reduce marriage conflict and help anger management.

Several Brain imaging studies have shown that practiced meditators may have an increase in tissue in a brain region that appears to involve attention and impulse control. It is reported that people who meditate has an active brain activities in the areas responsible for positive thinking and optimism, more than who do not.

- Meditation Creates Self Awareness.

Understanding yourself is a blessing that one can ever experience. It makes you detect your own good and bad habits, and from there you can choose to make any personal improvement.


- It Helps kick out Addiction Habit

Mental discipline and willpower is another by product of meditation. It helps you control unwanted impulses, and as a result, can help you recover from addiction, lose weight or other unwanted habits.


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3) Improve Memory & Lengthen Attention Span

From many studies, meditation can reduce Age-Related Memory Loss, and improve over all, memorising ability and cure wandering mind.

A result from one research, people who did Kriya chanting has improve their early sign of dementia. And for further 12 studies with more meditation styles and technique, the result is impressive.

attention, memory and mental quickness are improved in older volunteers.


- It Promotes Longer Attention Span

Like training and weight lifting in exercise, attention span can be improve by the discipline of training. However, the exercise for the brain is meditation.

From several studies, researchers found that with an eight-week mindfulness meditation course, participants’ ability to reorient and maintain their attention are improved. They remembered details of tasks better and stayed focused on a task for longer period of time than they normally do.


It is not a big surprise that why people choose to meditate more and more. All these good thing about meditation proves themselves that they are with the try.